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Frikadeller smorrebrod: Danish comfort food

By 10.26 , , , , , , ,

Frikadeller, red cabbage and cucumber salad
Sometimes, you just want to eat something that gives you that hyggelig feeling of coziness and happiness. For me, when I'm in that kind of mood, a simple smørrebrød of frikadeller and red cabbage is perfect - like Danish comfort food - and it brings back fond memories of childhood Christmas vacations in Denmark.

This particular smørrebrød is one of my own personal favourite ad-libs - the Danish equivalent for rummaging through the fridge late at night when you want to scrounge together something to eat. And it's definitely a classic winter sandwich, perfect after a long day of cross-country skiing. 

Winter comfort food: Rushing home for après ski smørrebrød
The flavours and smells of this smørrebrød are very reminiscent of Danish Christmas cooking - ahhhh, just thinking about it is making me happy! I thought it was pretty funny when one of my friends commented that this sandwich "tastes like something somebody else's mother would have made". (I think she meant it as a compliment) Somehow I knew exactly what she meant - because it tastes nothing like Canadian home cooking - so you only got to eat these kinds of things when invited over to a friend's house for lunch. 

Today's Danish Diet Compass
When coupled with a crisp Danish lager, I tell myself that this frikadeller smørrebrød is part of a healthy diet - it contains all the essential nutrients as defined in my imagined version of the 1950s Five Basic Danish Food Groups as issued by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri). These recommendations would almost certainly have included:

1) Dark Danish Rye Bread
2) Butter (or other savoury spread)
3) Meat or Fish
4) Vegetable Condiment (usually pickled, but fresh onions or sprouts are OK, too)
5) Beer (or akvavit)

If you are interested in today's honest-and-for-real Danish nutrition recommendations, as opposed to my made up ones, check out this link. 

In terms of recipes, there is nothing new in this particular frikadeller smørrebrød that you can't already find among the pages of my blog, but for the record here are the components you need and links to their respective recipes:
As always, enjoy with a fork and knife and wash it down with beer. Skål!

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